- October 2021: SHIELDS received regulatory approval from the FCA to operate as a Reinsurance Broker in the United Kingdom follow our CEO message on Linkedin
From left to right:
Cameron Murray, Head of Middle East & Africa Lloyd's of London
Vincent Vandendael, Chief Commercial Officer Lloyd's of London
Ahmed Rajab, CEO SHIELDS Reinsurance Brokers Ltd
Mark Cooper, general Representative Lloyd's Middle East
SHIELDS in the Press: The Insurance insider Ex-Willis director brings Dubai brokerage to Lloyd's
SHIELDS in the Press: Atlas Magazine SHIELDS becomes licensed at Lloyd's
SHIELDS in the Press: Middle East Insurance Review SHIELDS becomes approved Lloyd's broker
SHIELDS in the Press: AL Morakeb review
SHIELDS in the Press: ATLAS Magazine click here to read
SHIELDS in the Press : Middle East Insurance Review
SHIELDS in the Press : AL Morakeb review
SHIELDS in the Press : Atlas Magazine read the full article
Press Release : SHIELDS Reinsurance Brokers starts operating at the DIFC in Dubai